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Guide for Authors = Clinics=20 of North America Manuscript Guidelines for=20 Authors Welcome to the Clinics publishing=20 program. Your contribution is greatly appreciated, and = we look=20 forward to working with you. All of the periodicals in the = Clinics=20 publishing program offer the medical, dental and veterinary=20 practitioner comprehensive, clinical reviews of timely = subjects,=20 including diagnosis and therapy, new materials, and new=20 technologies. Your contribution should be of genuine = clinical=20 interest and contain information that is well substantiated = by your=20 research, your clinical experience, and by reports in the=20 literature. These guidelines are provided to simplify = manuscript preparation for you and to ensure that your = article moves=20 smoothly through the production process. Follow the = instructions=20 provided regarding article, table and figure preparation, = and when=20 complete, either e-mail or submit your manuscript (hard = copy, disk,=20 tables, figures and appropriate forms) to the Guest Editor = by the=20 agreed-upon deadline.
For = audio=20 submissions, WAV and MP3 files are acceptable. You must seek permission to quote from a poem or = song=20 lyric and for verbatim use of dictionary.
Your manuscript will be forwarded to = us after=20 the Guest Editor's review of scientific content. The Guest = Editor=20 will contact you if any revisions are = necessary. SOME=20 GENERAL GUIDELINES • Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced.
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